
Onsite Survey App

Onsite Survey App

Give your sales team the edge on your competitors. The webmove onsite survey app allows for an accurate inventory to be recorded in real time, inside your clients home. This of course increases accuracy and efficiency and most importantly gives your sales representative more time to focus on your clients requirements.

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Barcode Consignment Tracking

Barcode Consignment Tr ...

Each consignment is allocated a unique job reference number which becomes part of its barcode id. The system automatically generates the appropriate number of barcode labels for the e-list. At pickup individual items are scanned prior to loading. This procedure is followed each time the consignement is transferred whether it be into long term storage, during consolidation or to its final destination.

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Vehicle Tracking/Job Scheduling

Vehicle Tracking/Job S ...

The GPS tracking gives your operations team more control with the benefit of seeing exactly where your vehicles are at any given moment and a "heads up" to any potential issues that may occur. The job scheduling tool allows for automated updates to be sent via SMS to your client and alerts to your operations team if a crew is running behind schedule.

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